The April edition of HOTELS Magazine includes a feature article entitled “The Breakfast of Champions.” In the sidebar and its online continuation, the magazine’s Sr. Editor discusses specialty coffee trends with Andrew Hetzel, who additionally makes suggestions for coffee service enhancements within the hospitality industry.
We are very excited to see the growing interest exhibited by foodservice and hospitality businesses about specialty coffee and applaud HOTELS Magazine for giving this hot topic such substantial attention. Hoteliers and foodservice operators are clearly beginning to recognize the profit potential and customer satisfaction value of great coffee. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.
While over the last year much focus has been on improving hotels’ tea service, coffee has been relegated to the Starbucks in the lobby and the in-room brewing machine. But, with coffee consumption on the rise according to the National Coffee Association, which via its 2006 National Coffee Drinking Trends survey found that U.S. consumers who drank coffee every day jumped to 56% from 53% in 2005 and that 82% of all American adults drink coffee, the question remains, how can hoteliers leverage the growing popularity of coffee to maximize profits?