Article by Joe Bush explores findings from the first CSP Magazine Hot Beverage Symposium and summarizes the positions recommended by experts and taken by convenience store retailers to improve their coffee offerings.
More Than Beans: Coffee upgrades are the norm, but how much should retailers invest?
Removed from the era of “gas-station coffee,” the convenience channel today faces a conundrum as it pursues even greater purchases from its coffee loyalists.
With the likes of McDonald’s, Dunkin’ Donuts and other well-heeled titans fashioning total breakfast menus, convenience operators are now questioning how they should respond in this a.m. tit-for-tat.
“You don’t have to be a knockoff of one of the retail coffee chains that’s out there,” cautioned Andrew Hetzel, director of Kamuela, Hawaii-based Cafemakers, who quickly dispelled the notion of one-size-fits-all.
Read the article: More Than Beans