“I read a lengthy article about a local coffee shop in the paper this morning, how can I get my business featured in news articles?”
As a part of your company’s public relations strategy, you should develop relationships with the editors, writers, TV, web and radio personalities that cover your region or industry to provide them with information that they need to do their jobs effectively. The “how” is a little more complicated than can be described in a simple post, but you can find good books on the subject on Amazon or your local book store.
Whatever you do, never view PR as a marketing or advertising opportunity; doors will slam shut in your face when journalists smell that you are working an angle. Be genuine. There’s something interesting about you or your business and a good chance that others may like to hear or read about it.
Press releases that are succinctly written about newsworthy stories are helpful to gain exposure from journalists, but of course cannot guarantee some kind of coverage. The best approach is to be hones, perhaps clever, but avoid sensational language or overt selling. It’s not a brochure.
Promote your events, accomplishments and other occurrences that project the values of your brand… and do so consistently but not aggressively. A web presence with a Press area is helpful for journalists (also consumers) to learn more about your business and builds credibility as they consider you as a subject or subject matter expert. You’ll find that there is snowball effect as press attracts more press.
Be visible, be creative and be honest. They’ll find you — I guarantee.
How? First networking! Know the customers that come in and tell them about events you are having. For my shop that led to be included in the Town magazine for the Christmas issue in the holiday drinks issue. We had good exposure with professional photography.
One event involved a coffee producer visiting from El Salvador. We were offering a special coffee at $45/lb from her farm and I went down to the local paper (not call) and suggested that the readers might be interested in her story (not my shop). A photographer and journalist came to the lecture and tasting and we got nice press.
Do things for the community and the community will notice you. Do things for yourself and be ignored.