Kaapi Royale Coffee of Karnataka, India has contracted coffee industry consulting firm CafeMakers to provide global business-to-business marketing and public relations services in 2009.
Kaapi Royale is a leading exporter of small specialty lot Indian Arabica and Robusta coffees, as well as the exclusive exporter of award-winning Sethuraman Estate coffees.
“Having had the recent opportunity to visit Kaapi Royale and their supplier farms in person, I was impressed by the revolutionary quality of their coffee and the thoughtfulness of their responsible business practices,” commented Andrew Hetzel, Director of Cafemakers. “It is a marketer’s dream to have the opportunity to represent such a rare and relatively unknown gem in our industry.”
“We are excited to have the opportunity to introduce the world to some of the best coffees that India has to offer,” said Nishant Gurjer, Managing Partner of Kaapi Royale. “Most specialty coffee professionals are skeptical that a Robusta coffee can rival the world’s best Arabicas, which is why we chose Cafemakers to use all available media to communicate our message and help change old industry stereotypes.”
About Kaapi Royale
Kaapi Royale Coffee of Magundi in the Chikmagalur district of Karnataka, India, exports fine Indian Arabica and Robusta coffees worldwide and is the exclusive representative of Sethuraman Estate coffees. Sethuraman Estate is the two-time winner of “Best Robusta” in the Coffee Board of India’s Flavour of India competition and received the highest-ever rating for a Robusta coffee of 94 points from coffee reviewer Ken Davids. For more information, call +91 99807 45254 or email to Kaapiroyale (at) gmail.com.
“Most specialty coffee professionals are skeptical that a Robusta coffee can rival the world’s best Arabicas”
You bet they are. What a great opportunity! I’d like to get my hands on some of this and do a video review on it.
This is really interesting.