The first of two Grounds for Health charity coffee auctions is now underway! You can make your bid now through April 14th for some very good coffees; all proceeds go to a very good cause.
About the Event
Inspired by the success of various specialty coffee auctions and the need for projects promoting sustainability at origin, this auction seeks to tie the two together. Roasters throughout the country will have the opportunity to bid on donated green coffee through the Stoneworks Auction system. All proceeds will go directly to Grounds for Health, which is an organization that provides women’s health services in rural coffee growing regions.
By seeking donations of green coffee from producers throughout the world, support from various importers, and the participation of as many roasters and retailers as possible, this project has the potential to unite the industry in a powerful way.
Coffees included in the April 7th Auction:
15 pounds Guatemala Cup of Excellence #1– El Injerto Pacamara, in vacuum sealed bag
2 bags Guatemala Oriente Dry Process
25 pounds Panama Esmeralda Geisha, in vacuum sealed bag
4 bags Colombian Huila San Jose de Isnos
10 bags Guatemala Organic San Jose La Laguna (SMBC certified)
5 bags Flores Organic Bajawa
1 bags Java Organic Taman Dadar
5 bags Kenya Ruera Peaberry
1 bag Kona Fancy Greenwell Farms
2 bags Peru FT Organic Pangoa
1 bag Peru FT Organic COOPARM
5 bags Peru Organic El Cautivo
5 bags Peru Organic Chaupe
4 bags Sulawesi Toraja Gr-1
1 bag Sumatra G-1 Aceh Pantanlues
4 bags Sumatra FT Org Gayo Supreme
8 bags Timor FT Organic Peaberry
5 bags Tanzania Ruvuma 15 full
5 bags Tanzania Ruvuma Peaberry
5 bags Tanzania Ruvuma AAA