When our friends at La Colombe Torrefaction wrote the other day to say that they wanted to do something “special” for the upcoming Cup of Excellence Brazil cupping that we have planned on March 4th in Philadelphia, I had pictured ordering pizza and snacks or maybe doughnuts. I should have known better. The guys, as they often do, had something bigger in mind: they’ve moved the event to a space at the “epic,” as it’s described in this blog, Urban Outfitters headquarters campus at the old Navy Yard.
Urban Outfitters CampusThe cupping will be held in the Acid Bath event room, which looks like the perfect space for a gathering of creative coffee types. Very cool, very Philadelphia.
Invitations have been updated with the new address and reminder messages will be sent out automatically to anyone who previously indicated she or he would attend or otherwise did not respond. For anyone in coffee that wants to join us to sample this season’s COE award winning dry naturals from Brazil, that address is:
Tuesday, Mar. 4: Philadelphia
La Colombe Torrefaction
10:00am – 12:00 Noon
Urban Outfitters Headquarters
5000 South Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA
Please RSVP online or contact me for more information.
Once again, thanks again to the crew at La Colombe for making this possible and for otherwise being awesome.