Three hundred viewers joined the WIPO’s Regional Conference on Adding Value to Coffee Production with Intellectual Property on November 10 and 11.

Participants heard about the value of geographical indications and intangibles in coffee; how to improve production quality and gender equity in coffee; ethical coffee certification; the value of branding and storytelling; how to use technology, processes, and certifications, to increase productivity and traceability; and the importance of technical cooperation on intellectual property for specialty coffee in the Asia Pacific Region.

For those unable to attend live, a recording of each video presentation from day one of the event is below. Day two can be found here.

Coffee: a Market of Opportunities

Conference opening + Andrew Hetzel

Geographical Indications, Intellectual Property, and Coffee

Luis Samper, Founder and Consultant, 4.0 Brands


Article (PDF): Value of Geographical Indications and Intangibles in Coffee, Developing Origin Brands to Enhance coffee Value

Women in Coffee: Connect. Empower. Advance.

Blanca Castro, Chapter Relations Manager, International Women’s Coffee Alliance


Article (PDF): Interview with Blanca María Castro Gutiérrez of the International Women’s Coffee Alliance

Cup of Excellence: Its Impact and Market Innovation

Darrin Daniel, Executive Director, Alliance for Coffee Excellence


Article (PDF): Cup of Excellence: Its Impact for Coffee Producers and Specialty Coffee

Coffee Geographic Indications, Not an Easy Task: the Role of Regional Profiling

Mario Fernandez, Technical Officer, Specialty Coffee Association


Article (PDF): Coffee Geographical Indications: Not an Easy Task