@MyStarbucksIdea bends history

The tweet in question was from @MyStarbucksIdea, a marketing representative of Starbucks, which read, “Sbux VIA was an idea from a customer almost 20 years ago.” The message was posted at 8:32 AM HST (11:32 PST) on March 18th. The message was not a reply...

Marketing Indian Coffee

Kaapi Royale Coffee of Karnataka, India has contracted coffee industry consulting firm CafeMakers to provide global business-to-business marketing and public relations services in 2009. Kaapi Royale is a leading exporter of small specialty lot Indian Arabica and...

Using Social Media to Develop Customer Relationships

I liked this short and sweet article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel this morning that highlights the importance of using social media (blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to develop a personality for your business. The concepts presented are realistic, particularly the...

The Perils of Free Coffee

A very interesting article from the New York Times Blog back in May ’08 that discusses the viability of free coffee promotions at Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks. Stephen Dubner of Freakonomics looks at these giveaway promotions from an interesting...
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