Study shows coffee at lunch reduces diabetes

Study shows coffee at lunch reduces diabetes

An interesting report out of Brazil published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that coffee consumed at lunchtime substantially reduces the incidence of type 2 diabetes in women. Drinking coffee cuts diabetes risk, new research confirms, but you may...

SCAA Hires Director of Professional Development

In a move to increase the availability of education and professional development programs, the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) announced today that Ellie Hudson has been hired in a new position as Director of Professional Development. The selection was...

Rocky Roaster acquired by Supreme Bean

The Supreme Bean Coffee Roasters of North Hollywood, California has acquired Rocky Roaster, LLC, a wholesale coffee roasting business based in Canoga Park, California. Rocky Roaster Founder Mr. Rocky Rhodes will join The Supreme Bean team to manage the Rocky Roaster...
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