by andrew | Feb 11, 2008 | events, origin, quality |
Over thirty coffee tasters from different corners of the country have completed a three day training course on advanced coffee valuing techniques. The training which attracted thirty six tasters, called cuppers in the coffee industry, was organized by OCIR-Café....
by andrew | Jan 31, 2008 | economy, hawaii, origin, quality, sustainability
In an impressive piece of writing and editing of a news story (involving me), Erika Engle of the Honolulu Star Bulletin masterfully extracts the essence of a very complicated and obscure subject (coffee tasting and the Hawaii coffee industry) in a tidy 14 inch daily...
by andrew | Jan 18, 2007 | competitions, events, news, origin, quality
After eight years of conducting the Cup of Excellence program the Brazil winning farmers saw their average price per pound rise up to over $5.00lb. Yesterday’s online auction took many by surprise as all 28 coffees had bids within the first 25 minutes, and a record...