USAID Competitive Agriculture Systems for High Value Crops (CASH) – Yemen
The USAID Yemen CASH Program is a Feed the Future (FtF) financed program that will address key constraints across seven governorates that house over 50% of Yemen’s food insecure population, approximately 5.2 million people. Activities under this value chain development program will seek to leverage the impact of humanitarian assistance and create synergy for sustainable agriculture programs. The overall goal of the program is to create sustainable market systems that increase rural incomes and enable poor residents to purchase the food necessary to meet their daily nutrition needs thus improving food security. Implementation of the program is managed by Land O’Lakes International Development with coffee sector assistance to increase production, quality and market access provided by the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI).
Coffee Strategies was a coffee specialist and technical advisor to the USAID Yemen C.A.S.H. program providing coffee industry information and services, specifically related to international trade of value differentiated coffees.