MARKUP Market Upgrade Access Programme

MARKUP Market Upgrade Access Programme

East Africa RegionalConsultant providing marketing and competitiveness skills training and related services for East African regional SMEs (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda) as a part of the EU MARKUP...

ITC SheTrades

Ethiopia Consultant for the ITC SheTrades global initiative, performing coffee-specific marketing training, technical training and trade promotion activities for Ethiopian women-owned coffee small business coffee exporters. Though this program, we published an updated...

ADB Timor-Leste Coffee Industry Development

Asian Development Bank Coffee industry specialist Andrew Hetzel was engaged to assess the coffee industry in Timor-Leste (East Timor) and provide an analysis of the potential for organization as an industry association. Following completion and presentation of that...

Myanmar (Burma) USAID Value Chains for Rural Development

Myanmar (Burma) USAID Value Chains for Rural Development Andrew Hetzel was contracted as a coffee value chain specialist for the USAID Value Chains for Rural Development project in Myanmar (Burma) through implementation partner Winrock International and the Coffee...

Uganda Coffee Development Authority

Uganda Coffee Development Authority From 2012 through 2015, Coffee Strategies was contracted to provide value chain and capacity development services through the Coffee Quality Institute for the Uganda Coffee Development Authority funded by aBi Agribusiness Initiative...
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