R Certified in Roast Magazine

he March / April issue of Roast Magazine includes a thoughtfully-written feature by Neil Balkcom of Swings Coffee that discusses the R (Q Robusta) Coffee system, its purpose and impact of Fine Robusta on the specialty coffee marketplace. Neil eloquently summarizes the...

Los Angeles R Grader course scheduled Jan 18-21

We’ve just scheduled the next Los Angeles R Grader (Fine Robusta) certification course, which will be held January 18-21 2013 at the Farmer Brothers SCAA Certified Lab in Torrance, California (between Long Beach, Los Angeles). This class is a 4-day accelerated...

Q Robusta Certification to Begin at CQI

Advancing the quality of Robusta and improving the lives of farmers that rely its cultivation and trade is something that I care deeply about, so it is an honor for me to announce my personal involvement in the first North American R (for Robusta) Grader certification...

Sethuraman Estate First Fine Robusta Coffee

Did you ever have the feeling that you’ve reached a professional turning point or game changing moment for the better that suddenly makes the road ahead look much clearer than before? The sort of thing where the little hairs stand up on the back of your neck? I...
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