R Grader or Q Robusta Coffee Grader – 2024
The Q Robusta program (formerly R Grader) creates a skilled and credible body of Robusta coffee cuppers. The Coffee Quality Institute started this program with the goal of cuppers accurately and consistently assessing Robusta coffee cup quality. The Q Robusta program is the only recognized certification system for Fine Robusta coffee cuppers today. It’s the same as its Q Arabica counterpart, with slightly varied exams (general knowledge, matching pairs of acids, olfactory scents, and coffees).
R Graders are Robusta cuppers recognized as skilled to:
- Objectively assess coffee quality
- Identify, quantify, and articulate coffee characteristics
- Detect coffee defects
- Communicate coffee characteristics using standard industry terminology
After completing the Q Robusta (R Grader) program, certified Q Robusta Graders may grade coffees for CQI or an in-country partner. A Q Robusta Grader certificate is valid for three (3) years and is renewable upon completion of an accredited calibration.
A Q Robusta Course is a five (5) day exam consisting of twenty-two (22) individual tests that must be passed to qualify for certification. Candidates failing any sections may retake those tests anytime within eighteen (18) months.
Note: Presently licensed Q Arabica Graders must take all Q Robusta Grader exams to qualify as Q Robusta Graders.