Brazil’s largest business magazine, Exame, takes a look at Juan Valdez Cafe’s origins and plans for expansion worldwide, crediting Starbucks as an influence.

The article Starbucks à moda latina, or “Starbucks Latin-style,” discusses the history, (2009) present and future prospects for the Juan Valdez coffee chain.

The following quote by me appears in the article:

“A grande ironia é que a Starbucks preparou o terreno para o crescimento da Juan Valdez”, afirma Andrew Hetzel, dono da Cafemakers, consultoria americana de mercado de café. “A Starbucks pegou um consumidor analfabeto em matéria de café e fez escola. Agora, as pessoas estão mais exigentes e a Juan Valdez aproveitou a oportunidade para vender seu produto de qualidade superior.”


“The great irony is that Starbucks paved the way for the growth of Juan Valdez,” said Andrew Hetzel, owner of Cafemakers, consulting American coffee market. “Starbucks took coffee-illiterate consumers and did school. Now people are more demanding and the Juan Valdez took the opportunity to sell their product of superior quality.”

Be sure to read the full article in Exame Magazine.