CSP Magazine: More Than Beans

Article by Joe Bush explores findings from the first CSP Magazine Hot Beverage Symposium and summarizes the positions recommended by experts and taken by convenience store retailers to improve their coffee offerings. More Than Beans: Coffee upgrades are the norm, but...

Octane Coffee barista competition on CNN

I was impressed both by the event concept and its coverage on CNN. Octane Coffee hosts a “Thursday Throwdown” barista competition, which should be an example for coffee shops across the country. Watch the slideshow: Barista contest turns coffee into an art...

Hot Beverage Brouhaha

So, as you may have imagined, I’ve been pretty busy these last couple of weeks. Joe Bush of CSP Magazine chronicles the recent Hot Beverage trends symposium that I moderated following the SCAA conference in Minneapolis. It was a productive, fun-filled and yet...