Sethuraman Estate First Fine Robusta Coffee

Sethuraman Estate First Fine Robusta Coffee

Did you ever have the feeling that you've reached a professional turning point or game changing moment for the better that suddenly makes the road ahead look much clearer than before? The sort of thing where the little hairs stand up on the back of your neck? I got...

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Medical study debunks coffee health risk

Medical study debunks coffee health risk

A new medical study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has credibly disproven any connection between coffee consumption and increased risk of chronic diseases, including myocardial infarction (heart attack), stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer. The...

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U.K. fundraiser set for SafeHouse Coffee

U.K. fundraiser set for SafeHouse Coffee

While I was on the road for the past month, there was no news story from the coffee world that caught my attention more than the tragic fire at SafeHouse Coffee in Griffin, GA. Thankfully no one was injured, but the business was left destroyed. More than just a coffee...

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