Western Barista Guild Jam 2006

Western Barista Guild Jam 2006

The Barista Guild of America announces the Western Barista Guild Jam, this June 3-4, hosted by Barefoot Coffee Roasters and the Professional Culinary Institute of Campbell, California. For further details, please visit the WBGJ Website. The Barista Guild of America is...

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Whose brand is it, anyway?

Whose brand is it, anyway?

There is a natural tendency for new coffee business owners to try to attach some familiar brand identity to their own when planning a new concept. Take for example, the promotion of a name brand of coffee from Seattle or Italy - theoretically as representing quality...

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How to set coffee menu prices

How to set coffee menu prices

How should I set coffee menu prices? Such an important business question should always be addressed on an individual case basis; however, when setting coffee menus prices, consider surveying local and national chain competition and then position yourself higher not...

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Coffee Shop Names

Coffee Shop Names

What Should I Name my Coffee Shop? The question surfaces with alarming frequency and urgency in social media. First things first: don't panic! While the trend in coffee shop names ranges from cutesy to outright absurd, choosing a name that captures the essence of your...

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Start a coffee roasting business?

Start a coffee roasting business?

Ahhh, the smell of freshly roasted coffee, the intrigue of a giant coffee roaster -looking not unlike the business end of a steam locomotive- the money that you save buying and storing green coffee rather than sourcing roasted coffees elsewhere... everyone should be...

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